14 Online Ways to get Customers for your Business


14 Online Ways to get Customers for your Business

1. Targeted Blog for business website

Web content containing targeted blogs is one of the best sources to ensure the organic growth of the online business. Targeted blogs with thought leadership content ensure that their well-curated content reaches out to the website’s prospects, is shared by them and also satisfies the search engines. The ability to create content is in sync with a customer’s VALS (Values and Lifestyles). Customer segmentation and buyer persona creation are the starting point of such targeted blogs.  Such content generally meets the requirements of the customer. 

2. Your website’s right keywords on the target

The digital marketplace is dependent on content strategically containing SEO keywords. SEO Keyword selection is the primary step for success in paid search advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. SEO keywords are the cornerstone to relate highly to buyer intent or have greater commercial value then it will lead to greater success.

3. Traditional Business Advertising

The fundamental part of marketing is advertising. In digital marketing one of the best options is Google Ads because it allows the business to fine-tune targeting and budgetary spending. Also allows research on alternatives to the content in the ads.

4. Partnering with non-competitive businesses

If you decide to work with a customer’s complementary partner who is not a competitor then it is an effective strategy to gain new clients. Like advertising on a traffic exchange to drive traffic to the business online sites.

5. Social Media Engagement

It’s the ability to have conversations with prospects and customers on different social media sites where they participate. Being part of their conversations increases your ability to be accepted in their circle. It creates acceptance of your authentic voice. Presence in social media helps the business to create stories that are shareable by the prospects and their friends and community. Active engagement on such platforms helps drive qualified customers to the businesses.

6. Tap Existing Customer

Over time a fundamental takeout in marketing is that acquiring business from new customers is very expensive. Existing customers contribute higher growth of revenue to any business. Cold calling and selling new innovative products and concepts is a difficult proposition. Existing customers are favourably placed in the business. Connecting with the circle of existing customers and using referrals, the list of prospects can be grown to ensure the business gains customers.

7. Bringing Positive value to the table

For new companies when you do not have a past track record you need to talk about the positive value that you bring to your customers. These values are referrable and shareable to push the business’ growth. Other attributes like affordability can also be listed.

8. First purchase loyalty

To incentivize the early adopters of the business’ products new supplementary offers can be made. Such tangibles offer to build a strong relationship with the customers.

9. Domain expert

Building a successful business enables you to become an expert in your area of business (domain). As an authentic expert, you will be considered an expert or go-to person with domain expertise and referred by the customers.  This opens up channels of communication to interact with the world. This in turn will ensure new customers.

10. Content Analytics

Digital media analytics offers options to understand what platforms and which content is working to attract customers and grow the business. Analytics also directs the business by identifying customers to whom to strengthen the relationship, and finding their pain points by offering solutions.

11. Discount Offers

To attract customers to a business discount offers can be made. This is an effective strategy. If customer acquisition cost is high a discount offer would work great and can be communicated on different platforms.

12. Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a great form of content and a great referral for the business. It enables to build trust with new prospects of the business.

13. Business Review   

A customer’s journey from prospect to purchase starts with a search online. A prospect tries to get as much information by searching for information on different platforms where products are reviewed. These review platforms work as user-generated content hubs. A business needs to participate in such hubs thus enabling it to be considered by the world at large at a very affordable cost.

14. Action Mode

Content is curated for different digital platforms businesses must ensure not to lose the opportunity by being passive. It needs to interact with the prospect or customer by adding a call to action (CTA) so that there is an active component. Customers can sign up for newsletters, new offer notifications or seminars etc.


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