
Make Career With Us.

We are always ready to welcome skilled and energetic individuals who are ready to build their career with us. We strongly believe in empowering our employees to make crucial decisions. We seek the presence of employees who have potency with strong characteristics which are inclined towards meeting our industrial standards.

While you are interested to work and be a part of Sterling Marketing Company you can expect the following benefits –

Support and Benefits as Employees

  • Improvement of skills and encouragement for the same
  • Flexible working hours
  • Statutory benefits are offered to employees
  • Sick leaves
  • Paid leaves
  • Vacations could be availed
  • 5 days working a week
  • Weekly holidays are available
  • Optional holidays are there
  • Share your Resume with us and we’ll see if we can find a good fit for you!
  • Email us at

While you are interested to work and be a part of Sterling Marketing Company.